
Showing posts from August, 2012

10 commandments of gaming

I. Thou Shalt Not make a console that i only buy 1 game for and put it in storage, sell, it, or forget about it within 6 months to 1.25 years.  II. Thou shalt not behave like NEC or Sony. III. Thou shalt not make DLC. IV. Thou shalt try to emulate the days of old wherein you had no pause buttton nor Princess to save. V. Thou Shalt Not stop giving us hot characters to masturbate whilst adoring and or fap to and or to enhance our sexual experience with a partner or device. VI. Thou Shalt Stand dumbfounded when Indie games and consoles get hotter than the trash that the big three kick out like the Pac Man clones of the 80s. VII. Thou Shalt Speak the words of the players when they say to release only complete and full titles, like the past generations. yes they were primitive, but they were COMPLETE! VIII. Thou Shalt stop giving us "Princess To Get", "Go Forward and Shoot", "You Are Our Only Hope", "Violent As *", "Sexier Than *...

okay, herer's some hard s*** NSFW /Ages 30+ only.

i like singing.  i just hate how low my voice is and and how is sound dumb sometimes.  thanks, english fucker who busted a full with cap on Stella Artois at me  and busting the fucker on the back of my skull and tazing me.   it fucked my vision up nice n good.  oh, and before anybody says, "why didn't you call the cops?", i did , they couldn't do anything because "there was alcohol involved". I'd love to do poetry, ...  but am...  very weary because of the labeling that goes on with poetry. i write it.  it's hard for me to act, sometimes, it's hard for me to sing because of my short term memory, inability to cycle some practice stuff is slightly frustrating a bit.  notice how i didn't say that i can't do stuff.  just think outside the box, when dealing with me.  for me, there is no box, really, or at least the box was damaged in shipping, and the contents wherein are spilling forth into and out of the said "box".  and w...