An American Born Farmworkers Coalition

The American Born Farmworkers Coalition: A Movement for Progress in 2024 and Beyond


The agricultural sector in the United States is a pillar of the nation's economy, providing sustenance for millions and contributing significantly to the global food supply. However, this vital industry relies heavily on the labor of farmworkers, a demographic facing unique challenges and often lacking a voice in policy and decision-making. In this context, the creation of an American Born Farmworkers Coalition (ABFC) or an American Born Farm Employees Movement (ABFEM) in 2024 holds significant promise for promoting the rights, well-being, and economic security of this essential workforce.

Need for an American Born Farmworkers Coalition:

Despite their vital role, American-born farmworkers often face significant hardships, including:

Low wages and inadequate benefits: Many farmworkers earn below minimum wage and lack access to basic benefits like healthcare and paid leave.

Limited access to education and training: Many farmworker families lack access to quality education and training opportunities, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

Poor working conditions: Farmworkers often face unsafe working conditions, including exposure to hazardous chemicals and extreme weather.

Discrimination and lack of representation: Farmworkers are often marginalized and lack a strong voice in policy discussions that directly impact their lives.

Benefits of an ABFC/ABFEM:

An ABFC/ABFEM could play a critical role in addressing these challenges by:

Advocating for fair wages and benefits: A unified voice could pressure policymakers to enact legislation that ensures a living wage and access to essential benefits for farmworkers.

Promoting education and training: The movement could advocate for increased investment in educational programs and training opportunities that equip farmworkers with the skills they need to succeed.

Improving working conditions: By raising awareness and lobbying for stricter regulations, the ABFC/ABFEM could help ensure safer working conditions for farmworkers.

Empowering and giving voice to farmworkers: The movement could provide a platform for farmworkers to share their stories, advocate for their rights, and influence policy decisions.

Building solidarity with other marginalized groups: An ABFC/ABFEM could forge alliances with other social justice movements, amplifying its reach and impact.

Potential impact of an ABFC/ABFEM in 2024:

The year 2024 presents a crucial opportunity for the ABFC/ABFEM to make a significant impact. With the upcoming presidential election and the potential for legislative change, the movement can:

Raise awareness of farmworker issues: By mobilizing its members and engaging in public outreach efforts, the ABFC/ABFEM can educate the public about the challenges faced by farmworkers and garner support for their cause.

Influence the political landscape: Through lobbying efforts, voter education, and candidate endorsements, the ABFC/ABFEM can influence the political agenda and ensure that farmworker concerns are addressed by policymakers.

Build a strong foundation for long-term progress: By establishing a strong organizational structure, engaging in grassroots activism, and forging strategic partnerships, the ABFC/ABFEM can lay the groundwork for lasting change in the lives of American-born farmworkers.


The American-born farmworker population plays a vital role in the American economy and food system. However, they often face significant challenges and lack a strong voice in policy debates. The creation of an American Born Farmworkers Coalition or American Born Farm Employees Movement in 2024 offers a unique opportunity to address these challenges and ensure that farmworkers have the opportunity to thrive. By advocating for fair wages, improved working conditions, and access to education and training, the ABFC/ABFEM can create a brighter future for American-born farm workers and contribute to a more just and equitable society.

Thank you-

Oliver Clinton Mattson

December 13, 2023



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