2 22 2022 Tuesday

 if it doesn't work,

deal with it.
Don't think about killing your self.
You gonna die.
Go do stuff, get stuff done.
You gonna die.
Get stuff done.
You might die with your family by your side.
You might die being murdered in a drive by or by terrorists. Or by the hand of someone that is mad at you for some thing.
You might get killed in action.
Get stuff done.
You might die in a car wreck, a plane wreck, a train wreck or a boat wreck.
Get stuff done.
family unit
Life is short. Fill the holes up, one at a time, efficiently, and in the right manner.
The Support
The Outlet(s)
The Action
2 18 2022
there's an invisible cemetery down the road,
if you don't beleive me you might explode .
inside my writer's block
there's gotta be some kinda code.
i'm in northern california.
since i was about 5 i been called gay,
the ladies up here know i'm not that way,
west hollywood's a city in the country of L.A.
(where I'm from )
(but ) i'm in northern california.
I guess that you could say that i'm a complicated man.
86'd outta bars from Toronto to Japan,
including exactly, where I am.
in norhtern california.
So when you wanna get down to the point,
smoke some beers and drink some joints,
you'll find em both here.
right here.
in . norhtern california.
Social Media and My Depression
February 15th 2022
When you are feeling upset, or are getting mad, sad or frustrated,
TURN OFF Social Media, get some instant gratification, and space from your current state, your friends might still be around and want to talk if you don't blow up on them. Watch a film, play a game, write a song. Disconnect from social media. If you need to write about how upset you're feeling at the time, put it in a journal, and give it some time.
Then post it on your blog after a while and some review time. Distance is needed at this state.
Learn about when you're getting upset. Feel it, and learn how and when to act about it. Don't take the anger and sadness out for drinks. take them for a walk, excercize, play games you enjoy that give you a positive feeling quickly, not a Role Playing game, something simple and quick like an old arcade game or pinball. Afterwords, read books you like, and watch movies and short productions like independent films and cartoons as a distraction from the spot you're in, try to inject them into your brain as soon as the darkenss starts coming in.
There is a lot on the internet that can make us sad, mad, frustrated, ignored, hated, un loved, non attractive, un liked, and isolated.
The death of celebrities and public figures can be difficult.
Even though these people may not live with us or near us, their ideas, their images, their sounds, songs, words and more have touched us throughout our lives. Even cartoon characters and video game characters are parts of our lives.
Cars, buildings, artwork, books, magazines, stores, places we have never been, nor never will be... are part of our lives. Things from our past that we treasure as best we can and not let go away, are part of our lives.
Things that break apart, are part of our lives.
Our soundtracks and the things that provided them to us, are part of our lives.
Things that move us, things that are THERE... are part of our lives.
Be a part of your life.
Stay above ground.
Tell the people that you care about and that mean something to you, please tell them you care about them, as soon as possible.
take care
Welcome to 2-22-2022 tuesday!
People think that the next one in 100 years or whatever when it will happen again... it doesn't matter.
Every Day in life isn't coming back. It may be good, it may be bad, or it may just be "so-so", the thing about today is to realize that we need to tell people in our lives and on our minds that we care about them, and tell them NOW about it. EVERY DAY is special. Not JUST 2-22-2022 ona tuesday. Care about people. Care about you. Care about life, IMPROVE YOURS.
Today I want you to do what you need to do, but also MAKE something for today. EAT well, drink well, smoke well, and everytying else. DO IT. Life is too short. If you're a writer, write, if you're a painter, PAINT. If you fix cars, fix cars, if you make music, lay down some tracks and get stuff out. If you work in film get some stuff on tape, edit, DO IT. Call in sick today and spend the day on the phone telling the people in your life that care about you that you care about them as well. Life is short - CARE is balance.
Social Media and My Depression
February 15th 2022
When you are feeling upset, or are getting mad, sad or frustrated,
TURN OFF Social Media, get some instant gratification, and space from your current state, your friends might still be around and want to talk if you don't blow up on them. Watch a film, play a game, write a song. Disconnect from social media. If you need to write about how upset you're feeling at the time, put it in a journal, and give it some time.
Then post it on your blog after a while and some review time. Distance is needed at this state.
Learn about when you're getting upset. Feel it, and learn how and when to act about it. Don't take the anger and sadness out for drinks. take them for a walk, excercize, play games you enjoy that give you a positive feeling quickly, not a Role Playing game, something simple and quick like an old arcade game or pinball. Afterwords, read books you like, and watch movies and short productions like independent films and cartoons as a distraction from the spot you're in, try to inject them into your brain as soon as the darkenss starts coming in.
There is a lot on the internet that can make us sad, mad, frustrated, ignored, hated, un loved, non attractive, un liked, and isolated.
The death of celebrities and public figures can be difficult.
Even though these people may not live with us or near us, their ideas, their images, their sounds, songs, words and more have touched us throughout our lives. Even cartoon characters and video game characters are parts of our lives.
Cars, buildings, artwork, books, magazines, stores, places we have never been, nor never will be... are part of our lives. Things from our past that we treasure as best we can and not let go away, are part of our lives.
Things that break apart, are part of our lives.
Our soundtracks and the things that provided them to us, are part of our lives.
Things that move us, things that are THERE... are part of our lives.
Be a part of your life.
Stay above ground.
Tell the people that you care about and that mean something to you, please tell them you care about them, as soon as possible.
take care


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