tried tried tried
former kid actor who is a bit of a ditz, but also a genius - was once a a member of a cast.
When we wrote the first script for this film, we didn't know what we were going for, it was amazing, but the film didn't quite turn out the way it was supposed to. There were too many internal struggles , too many internal battles, and it just got to a stage where the whole show just stopped. it was about an arcade, but it was a lot more involved than we were ready for and we were under budget. We were also cut down by equipment failures, some actors couldn't deal with the weather and sets were hard to maintain. The first actors who left were our 1st set cast and they left because of being shocked by pinball machines. They left, and it was right for them to do so. The 2 that started the walk off were the first to get yelled at by the crew and myself, and the backers. Time had come to take action. We decided that we had to do something, and fuck it, we gave them the money they wanted, and let them effing go. We had to. Productions only can go so far, things fall apart and you just carry on, as best you can. people grab their stuff, and they leave. We had a great time "trying" to capture an idea, but it was the idea that mattered more than the attempt at the film. If the movie went well it would have been a challenge and a half for me, I'm dealing with some heavy personal stuff I don't want to talk about at this time, but I want you to know that I care about all my family, friends, supporters, co-writers, cast, and others that tried with me... that we TRIED. it makes a difference.
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