The Mendocino Deck, Cow Mountain Set
Angels and Demons
walk with me.
breathe with my air.
see with my eyes.
touch with my hands.
think with my mind,
fly with my dreams,
cry with my pain,
heal me with what you can.
let us be one. teach me.
to be represented by the symbol: . (dot)
with an underscore.
This rune symbolizes singleness, oneness, and
solidity. It represents internal peace, whether in a
relationship, or not. It represents wholeness and strength.
If the one who drew this rune is newly single, this is to
represent that you are NOT ALONE, two people make a
couple, three or more mean a family, groups of many
trees make a forest, many mountains make ranges, and
groups of clouds make storms. You are ALIVE, and that
is what matters, Let your dreams storm down positivity
into your life. Let your education, faith, family and
friends as well as learning from the past help you be
rooted as you grow stronger day by day in life.
- Communication.
Talk is necessary today. Or not. Think about things you need to get off your chest, or think of friends, family, co workers and others you may not have said hi to for a while... give them a ring, write a letter, send a note. Life is short.
*Also, if you are in trouble for things you may have said, reflect on it for a bit in meditation and try to prevent doing the same in the future.
You know stuff. You need to know more. No matter what age you are, you have learned things and have the chance to take in information to better yourselves as students, people, and professionals. Read something inspiring, go to a library, check out or buy a book (or five), see a play, sign up for a class, do your homework, watch something that teaches you something. Build something using your skill set. Teach someone else something. Donate literature.
Listen to stories from your family. Tell stories. Listen to stories from older people, listen to stories from younger people. Learn a new skill that builds on what you know. Learn a new skill that is completely different from what you are used to. Learn about a new culture, learn your own history, or the history of a group or company you enjoy. Find out about the past of, OR MORE of the past of a favorite Musician, Artist, Writer, Chef, Scientist, Poet, Egyptian God, Actor, Politician,..... whatever you want, just GO LEARN.
4. ZERO LIMITATIONS (creative)
(what's stopping you?)
The Champagne is Open, QUICK, Grab the glasses! Something had to happen. Take that trip, make that phone call, write that novel, something you want to do or make has been on your mind for a while, now is the time to remove limitations and go forward and DO IT. If it's doing poetry or acting, start local and think global. Music as well. Writing... start with family and friends critiquing your work, try local writing groups and colleges, as well as online resources.
When you draw Zero Limitations, it means it's time to go forward (safely*), and do something that you didn't do, yet... like me with these runes. Every song starts with a first note, every poem with a first word, every home with a frame, every library with a first book, every actor with a first appearance.
A body of work is built over a lifetime... positive, negative, and the in between. Go. Do. Make. Learn. NO LIMITATIONS. (*be safe)
Welcome to Math Class! It's time to grab your pen and paper, calculator, and all other tools you like.
You need to add some things up. Drawing this might mean that you have to begin to balance your budget better, that tax time is upon you, that you need a new book-keeper, that someone may be embezzling from you. It may mean that money needs to increase or be changed in some way, it also may indicate, if the one who draws this rune is in a negative spot or bind, that persons in their lives or habits might need to be changed or adjusted to bring a more positive vibration, mindset, or forward motion for them and their partner or spouse, family, household, business, company, band, team or etc.
The Unknown, the final frontie... wait. ... No.
The Unknown... this rune was drawn to indicate that there should be something in the near future that is out of this world in your day, or life, or on your mind.
Whether it be a visit from a ghost, or specter, a UFO or other entity, or perhaps playing a spooky game, watching a horror or sci-fi film, researching the occult, reading old ghost stories, or listening to strange music, something not of the ordinary will be on your plate... soon. (insert fade out music)... BOO!
Environment and Nature
Plant a Tree. Plant a garden. Take the bus. Take a walk. Turn off some lights. Turn down the Thermostat. Pick up some litter. Recycle. Buy used stuff sometimes (not used food, or underwear, or condoms, or sex toys). Shop Local when you can. Shop from companies that support your views and environmental practices, do it with your heart. Your money and your time are important, as well as your quality of life and the life of your kids, grandkids, etc... or if you can't have kids ... or don't want them,.,.. ... for the other people's kids... ya know, and the wildlife and stuff.
Necessary for creativity, maintenence, and FUN, Tools are different for every person, artist, maker, and more on earth. Makeup artists use brushes and colors of many shades, as do painters, and digital artists. Writers use pencils, pens, computers, typewriters and audio recording hardware and software to get the story told. Musicians use their instruments, skills, microphones, amplifiers and speakers to get the jams kicked out. Do you have a tool set? If so, this rune was drawn for you to tidy up and organize your tools, replace missing parts, repair the computer, update the software, clean your brushes, get new pastels and pens, fix the easel thats been gathering dust. Fire up the word processor, look through the composition books and mark the good pages. Organize the screwdrivers. Add Up and make sure you have every socket thingie in the set. Put new batteries in. Charge the Batteries on the things you need to. Find the screwdriver and the measuring tape. Change the filter, charge your phone, change your mind and your life. Tools are a thing you need. If you don't have a tool set, BUILD ONE. Start ASAP. If you write, get a composition book from the dollar store and steal a pen or two somewhere. Artists, go steal some typing paper, get some pencils and a Light Table, go to work and stop bitching about stuff, musicians, I don't care if you're a black metal band with the most sinister lyrics on earth and you hate every single thing... go to a church yard sale and buy some cheap as hell gear, and help out some people who might be less fortunate. Actually.... I don't want to tell you what to do. I had my first labor job when I was thirteen. I did acting from the time I was three. If you want something in your tool bag or toolbox, you'll find out what it is, and you'll find out how to get it. When I did Dr. Zombi and a bunch of stuff... i just used what i had and built my own light table, and used art supplies and I DID IT. It may not have sold a single copy, but, I DID IT. You can do it, too. You may not sell a copy, you may get in trouble for what you make, you may fail... BUT You CAN LEARN, and THAT is one tool I hope you will NEVER LOSE.
Frustrations come and go. Creative, sexual, financial, and more. This rune was drawn to indicate the need to overview one's frustrations, or the frustrations of the group of people who drew it together. Now is the time to "get back to the drawing board", and start feeling more positive. We all have ways that we can feel our frustrations, the way the make us feel is different from person to person. Sometimes we can not talk about our frustrations to other people. This rune is to indicate a need for a time of meditation and thought towards frustrations and similar difficulties, both inside and out.
Outlining and Preparation.
The outline and the preparation for any creative project begins internally. There are many textbook and taught methods for such a job. For writers, a simple outline of a page or two may make for a great novel, for an artist, a sketch or two may be perfect for a painting, sculpture, program character design, or a stained glass masterpiece. Any way you outline, try to make sure that your outline has clarity and transparency to your vision, and that after you are done, you and your collaborators feel complete from the start while looking at, listening to, seeing, touching, tasting, playing, driving, or otherwise enjoying,
the end product when it is finished. This rune was drawn to start a new outline, a new sketch, a new recipe or formula. Or to re-evaluate one that hasn't been evaluated lately, to continue with it, and go forward.
Color.... Here's a quick random color generator:
I know that a rainbow is technically red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo and violet (ROYGBIV), but that is Seven Colors, and there are only six sides to a basic dice.
1- Red
2- Orange
3- Yellow
4- Green
5- Blue
6- Purple (if you want to do a split for Indigo and violet re roll the 6 do a 1 -3 for Indigo and 4 - 6 for violet.
Words. - when I'm stuck for words I tend to use a random word generator to begin thoughts, when I can't use a computer, I can use a standard deck of cards, to get the first letters of words from time to time. Time to shuffle.
Ace = A 6 = F Jack = K
2 = B 7 = G Queen = L
3 = C 8 = H King = M
4 = D 9 = I
5 = E 10 = J
(12. Words- continued)
Ace = N 6 = S Jack = X
2 = O 7 = T Queen = Y
3 = P 8 = U King = Z
4 = Q 9 = V
5 = R 10 = W
Ace = A 6 = F Jack = K
2 = B 7 = G Queen = L
3 = C 8 = H King = M
4 = D 9 = I
5 = E 10 = J
(12. Words- continued)
Ace = N 6 = S Jack = X
2 = O 7 = T Queen = Y
3 = P 8 = U King = Z
4 = Q 9 = V
5 = R 10 = W
* A physical dictionary and thesaurus are good to have on hand when being in a spot of writer's block, especially when using this to find words, names, and ideas, using a deck of cards.
The trick of using the dictionary or thesaurus, along with the letter-finder, is to try to use a dictionary that is new to
you, or to ask another person to close their eyes, blindly, with ones finger find a word in the letters range on a page of it.
thirteen (13) : Chance
Possibilities abound! Risks are part of life, they get us further in our progress and teach us things. When this rune is drawn, the person who drew it may need to take a chance. Dive in the deep end. Buy those pants that you might have wanted, but were too scared todo so. Try eating at a new or different place, buy a scratcher, write a poem, play games. The Chance Rune being drawn indicates the necessity of risk, embrace the risk. Life is short and if you fail at what you try, you will have a Chance to learn. Failure is part of the learning process, life, itself, being the classroom. When we give ourselves a shot, to try different things, to pursue things on the outside of our comfort level, to do new things and change the path of our lives and selves expands our minds, and can help us understand other people, cultures, situations and more.
Take a Chance.
Listen to an album or song that you have not heard for a VERY LONG TIME. One that brings happy thoughts on dark days. One that brings fond memories and feelings. One that you might have listened to as a child or in college. Go ahead, dig up the old cassettes, vinyl, compact discs, cue it up on line, find the old eight track player or the portable tape player (walkman), pop some batteries in, toss the headphones on and let your spirit soar. Tunes have been recommended by the drawing of this rune. Music heals, helps, and inspires. CRANK IT UP!!!
BATTER UP!!!! It's time to think about PITCHING. Not in a baseball sense, but in a business sense. Start thinking about successful gigs that you've had, due to the right approach at the right time. Learn from failed approaches. Be inspired by colleagues and people who light your mind up, learn about their pitches and listen to their explanations of their approaches. Absorb the data, and get on that mound as soon as possible. PLAY BALL!!!
Due Diligence:
Due Diligence is the proactive act of being on time and delivering on time. Sometimes the Early Bird gets the worm. Sometimes the Early Bird gets a Promotion or a bonus! When we make sure to set our goals in a time sensitive manner, we can do things more clear and transparent, as well as add to our stack of achievements in a more constant way, thereby freeing ourselves of the previous task, and going forward to the next one at a good, steady pace. Even if you don't work for anyone else, make sure that you set timed goals and work toward them with the right kind of energy, prove it to yourself that you can do things correctly and in a timely fashion. Once you start, other people will see that you were doing your stuff. If even it takes years. When I did Doctor Zombi, a graphic novel I made back in 2015, I had weekly points when I had to get my art plates done and editing. I made it as a joke, but ... I MADE IT. I did it. You can do your stuff, too.
"Turn On, Tune IN, DROP OUT", were the words of ken keasey or timothy leary during the acid years of the 50s and 60s. We are now in the world of constant connection, constant networking, constant broadcast, constant input from media. We as creative persons, can feel this. We can also feel the weight of it dragging on us from time to time. I was in the midst of a serious case of writers block a few weeks ago. I came to the conclusion of turning off everything around me, including my phone... and going for a walk in the rain. That rain walk was one I hope to not forget, but in case I do, I wrote this to remember... It was about half past three in the afternoon, cool air rolled down from the mountains into the valley and a slow rain, going from mist to light drops, nothing too heavy... fell from the sky. The sky was a monotone blanket of grey, the light was bright and the people I met on my stroll, with their hats and unbrellas, seemed genuinely happy. Optimistic, even perhaps. No one was rushing. It wasn't that heavy of a storm that day. It was cleansing, simple as that. Necessary and cleansing. It reminded me of summer storms I experienced in my boyhood in Los Angeles when the air would stay warm, even into the night and when we'd go to the arcades after my parents were done with work in the middle of the night; the gentle, warm drops of water greeted our faces, as if being tickled by the gods. Unplug when you can, whenever you can and need to. Life is short.
18. dreams as tools.
big fish little fish.
+watch out for the feeding patterns+
a black star
A few years back, myself and a few of
my friends had a bad day.
We watched Lemmy from Motorhead's Memorial. It was heartbreaking and full of emotion and caring words from his friends and family.
After that, At about One AM, upon going to a friend's house, I got a message from the UK that David Bowie
had died on my friend SPIZZ's birthday.
I was totally devastated.
I also remember being told about SPIZZ's father passing away, and my friend Robbie's Dad passing away when it happened.
I also thought about my friends who passed away, and my own father, who died at the age of 47 when I was 6 years old. Three days before my Seventh Birthday.
Death is certain. Please try to live a full and happy life, filled with joy, learning, laughter, fun, care, and
wonder, always dream big, do forwardly moving things, use your talents. Keep in contact with people that you care
about and that care about you. Generate good karma.
Constantly BE YOURSELF.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, Love is the Law. Love under Will. - Crowley
Are you looking for these???
Only kidding.
The marbles are not only to represent the necessity of holding on to one's wits, one's temper, one's goals, one's property (intellectual and physical), one's being, one's honesty, one's faith, and one's self preservation...
But also to inspire the actual act of playing with Marbles, feeling them, looking at the bubbles in the glass, pretending that they are planets, or magical spheres. Let them collide with one another, feel them. Listen to the click of them. Draw a circle in a simple manner. Let them roll. Return to your younger times, free your mind. Let play inspire you.
The simpler and the faster, the better.
We are a generation of people who visit gurus, psychologists, go to healing retreats, take medicine for our stress, have problems with anxiety, and sometimes simple social interactions. We've become a world filled with paranoia, fear, gas-lighting, lies, corruption, debt, and non clarity. If we can play with marbles for a few minutes, and not think about anything else for a while.
No politics, no relationship stuff, no drama, no social pressure, no bullying, no media telling us how to feel, act, behave, dress, look, or THINK for a while...
I believe that we can become a little bit better as people. Not just for the break for the playtime itself, but willing to accept the necessity of simply having a little fun in our lives. + om +
A half full glass.
Optimism. Criticism.
Isms, isms, everywhere... and not a drop to drink.
The half full glass is to indicate not only positivity and how we view it, but also how we view our past work, how we value it, how we can use our losses as learning tools and look at the empty part of the glass as the future, which needs to be filled with our work, our care, our minds and souls to be not only full, but clear, transparent, and honest to ourselves and those who we wish to share clarity, security, happiness, and wholeness with.
Grab the POPCORN!
Films and movies can not only give us a needed break from reality, or a deeper connection with reality, but can also provide inspiration to creative types of persons.
If this Rune was drawn, the person who drew it should enjoy a movie or film. In the theater, at home, or on a preferred device of one's choice.
The thing about the necessity of film is clear in my mind. We need to watch a Disney film to relive our childhoods. We need a romantic comedy to make us laugh and cry. We need Animated films for the fun of being able to do physics differently, with whimsy and charm, not being real, just ... characters being characters, and fun being had. We need to be scared by a horror film, we need to be inspired by a documentary, we need to laugh at comedies, and cry during the heavy parts of War films. We need huge Science Fiction films. We need superhero movies to inspire us to be better people and make us think about our possibilities. We need also to watch the old black and white films of the 1940s and 1950s and before, to be able to learn and feel the design of a Frank Capra or Hitchcock film. We need to make films, we need to talk about them. We need them in our lives as people and creative entities. Whether your favorite types of film may come from Los Angeles in the 1930s, or London in the 1960s, Japan in the 1980s, Bollywood in the 1990s... this rune was drawn to tell you to go and enjoy a film, old or new, and try to bring something out of it for yourself and your creativity.
24. Identifying Toxicity.
TOXICITY is not just nuclear waste in a glowing container in the back of a truck on its way to a nondisclosed location. It isn't just contaminated water supplies. It isn't just a tire fire, it isn't just car batteries and electronics leaking stuff that can kill us and or change our unborn children.
Toxicity can also be Emotions, friendships, places of work, places where we shouldn't be, people we shouldn't be around, thought patterns that we use to sometimes heal ourselves, but in time do more harm than good. We use our drive through mentalities some times to acquire drugs, alcohol, sex, and other things that can eventually from time to time completely mess our lives up.
Identifying Toxins means realizing what in our lives we can change, in order to have a more happy and healthy life as a person.
The Moon was drawn to indicate a need of creativity in the night. Write a poem after the ten o clock news. Start editing a new work after midnight. Good things happen in the dark. Freedom from the AM to PM drag doesn't have to hurt your art at night. Let it flow. Let it grow, change and blossom like a flower. Let it continue and let it be. Even if you have use candle or lamp light, flash lights, or regular light... keep the midnight oil burning, and don't be afraid of the dark. Nor be afraid of your work. It's what we have light and fire for. "Madness rides the Star Wind",
- H.P. Lovecraft.
You need not hang out with "evening people", nor addicts who stay awake for days at a time to be able to enjoy the creativity that can happen in the night time, simply turn on some music, watch some TV, fire up the typewriter, your pens and pencils, paintbrushes, programs and applications, tape recorders, mice and keyboards, use your colors, use our words, use your sounds, your code, your layouts, your business strategies. Use your needles and thread, use your parchment, use your clay, use your chisels and lasers. Use your printers, use your collaborators, use your old data, merge it with new concepts, use your cameras, your beads, your stained glass and glassblowing rigs. Use your kilns, use your recipe books and your kitchens, use your minds, and use your hearts. Put yourself into the work. There is no need to go Werewolf Mode. Just use the nights energy as an aid in your work once in a while. You will find that the results can be amazing.
26. Nothingness
Writer's Block, Artist's Block, Coder's Block, Inventor's Block, Musicians Block. A stopping point. A moment of pause. A needed break. Sometimes as creative individuals, we all come across times when creativity just isn't around for us when we want it very much to be. Those are days when Nothingness is around. Some times non creativity can feel like a little dark cloud floating above our heads. My father had a similar cloud over his head. In order for him to "hide from the rain", he would go and play pinball and listen to music, or talk with his friends on the CB radio or telephone, and later on have a jam session in the living room of our apartment in Los Angeles. His music made him feel better, just like when he would paint or write, he felt more complete and happy when working on creativity, employing his learning, and activating in then current moments of proactivty. We must be proactive, we have to continue to create. It is our job for ourselves, and our job for the future, to show that The Show Must Go On, and that some times, writer's block happens, but we can not stop our selves from our dreams nor art. Life is too short. The rent is too damn high. Creativity happens.
ROLL WITH IT, Baby, just roll with it.
the cards table for the mendocino runes : Cow Mountain Book and set
(c) Oliver Clinton Mattson 2019 Rights Reserved
walk with me.
breathe with my air.
see with my eyes.
touch with my hands.
think with my mind,
fly with my dreams,
cry with my pain,
heal me with what you can.
let us be one. teach me.
to be represented by the symbol: . (dot)
with an underscore.
This rune symbolizes singleness, oneness, and
solidity. It represents internal peace, whether in a
relationship, or not. It represents wholeness and strength.
If the one who drew this rune is newly single, this is to
represent that you are NOT ALONE, two people make a
couple, three or more mean a family, groups of many
trees make a forest, many mountains make ranges, and
groups of clouds make storms. You are ALIVE, and that
is what matters, Let your dreams storm down positivity
into your life. Let your education, faith, family and
friends as well as learning from the past help you be
rooted as you grow stronger day by day in life.
- Communication.
Talk is necessary today. Or not. Think about things you need to get off your chest, or think of friends, family, co workers and others you may not have said hi to for a while... give them a ring, write a letter, send a note. Life is short.
*Also, if you are in trouble for things you may have said, reflect on it for a bit in meditation and try to prevent doing the same in the future.
You know stuff. You need to know more. No matter what age you are, you have learned things and have the chance to take in information to better yourselves as students, people, and professionals. Read something inspiring, go to a library, check out or buy a book (or five), see a play, sign up for a class, do your homework, watch something that teaches you something. Build something using your skill set. Teach someone else something. Donate literature.
Listen to stories from your family. Tell stories. Listen to stories from older people, listen to stories from younger people. Learn a new skill that builds on what you know. Learn a new skill that is completely different from what you are used to. Learn about a new culture, learn your own history, or the history of a group or company you enjoy. Find out about the past of, OR MORE of the past of a favorite Musician, Artist, Writer, Chef, Scientist, Poet, Egyptian God, Actor, Politician,..... whatever you want, just GO LEARN.
4. ZERO LIMITATIONS (creative)
(what's stopping you?)
The Champagne is Open, QUICK, Grab the glasses! Something had to happen. Take that trip, make that phone call, write that novel, something you want to do or make has been on your mind for a while, now is the time to remove limitations and go forward and DO IT. If it's doing poetry or acting, start local and think global. Music as well. Writing... start with family and friends critiquing your work, try local writing groups and colleges, as well as online resources.
When you draw Zero Limitations, it means it's time to go forward (safely*), and do something that you didn't do, yet... like me with these runes. Every song starts with a first note, every poem with a first word, every home with a frame, every library with a first book, every actor with a first appearance.
A body of work is built over a lifetime... positive, negative, and the in between. Go. Do. Make. Learn. NO LIMITATIONS. (*be safe)
Welcome to Math Class! It's time to grab your pen and paper, calculator, and all other tools you like.
You need to add some things up. Drawing this might mean that you have to begin to balance your budget better, that tax time is upon you, that you need a new book-keeper, that someone may be embezzling from you. It may mean that money needs to increase or be changed in some way, it also may indicate, if the one who draws this rune is in a negative spot or bind, that persons in their lives or habits might need to be changed or adjusted to bring a more positive vibration, mindset, or forward motion for them and their partner or spouse, family, household, business, company, band, team or etc.
The Unknown, the final frontie... wait. ... No.
The Unknown... this rune was drawn to indicate that there should be something in the near future that is out of this world in your day, or life, or on your mind.
Whether it be a visit from a ghost, or specter, a UFO or other entity, or perhaps playing a spooky game, watching a horror or sci-fi film, researching the occult, reading old ghost stories, or listening to strange music, something not of the ordinary will be on your plate... soon. (insert fade out music)... BOO!
Environment and Nature
Plant a Tree. Plant a garden. Take the bus. Take a walk. Turn off some lights. Turn down the Thermostat. Pick up some litter. Recycle. Buy used stuff sometimes (not used food, or underwear, or condoms, or sex toys). Shop Local when you can. Shop from companies that support your views and environmental practices, do it with your heart. Your money and your time are important, as well as your quality of life and the life of your kids, grandkids, etc... or if you can't have kids ... or don't want them,.,.. ... for the other people's kids... ya know, and the wildlife and stuff.
Necessary for creativity, maintenence, and FUN, Tools are different for every person, artist, maker, and more on earth. Makeup artists use brushes and colors of many shades, as do painters, and digital artists. Writers use pencils, pens, computers, typewriters and audio recording hardware and software to get the story told. Musicians use their instruments, skills, microphones, amplifiers and speakers to get the jams kicked out. Do you have a tool set? If so, this rune was drawn for you to tidy up and organize your tools, replace missing parts, repair the computer, update the software, clean your brushes, get new pastels and pens, fix the easel thats been gathering dust. Fire up the word processor, look through the composition books and mark the good pages. Organize the screwdrivers. Add Up and make sure you have every socket thingie in the set. Put new batteries in. Charge the Batteries on the things you need to. Find the screwdriver and the measuring tape. Change the filter, charge your phone, change your mind and your life. Tools are a thing you need. If you don't have a tool set, BUILD ONE. Start ASAP. If you write, get a composition book from the dollar store and steal a pen or two somewhere. Artists, go steal some typing paper, get some pencils and a Light Table, go to work and stop bitching about stuff, musicians, I don't care if you're a black metal band with the most sinister lyrics on earth and you hate every single thing... go to a church yard sale and buy some cheap as hell gear, and help out some people who might be less fortunate. Actually.... I don't want to tell you what to do. I had my first labor job when I was thirteen. I did acting from the time I was three. If you want something in your tool bag or toolbox, you'll find out what it is, and you'll find out how to get it. When I did Dr. Zombi and a bunch of stuff... i just used what i had and built my own light table, and used art supplies and I DID IT. It may not have sold a single copy, but, I DID IT. You can do it, too. You may not sell a copy, you may get in trouble for what you make, you may fail... BUT You CAN LEARN, and THAT is one tool I hope you will NEVER LOSE.
Frustrations come and go. Creative, sexual, financial, and more. This rune was drawn to indicate the need to overview one's frustrations, or the frustrations of the group of people who drew it together. Now is the time to "get back to the drawing board", and start feeling more positive. We all have ways that we can feel our frustrations, the way the make us feel is different from person to person. Sometimes we can not talk about our frustrations to other people. This rune is to indicate a need for a time of meditation and thought towards frustrations and similar difficulties, both inside and out.
Outlining and Preparation.
The outline and the preparation for any creative project begins internally. There are many textbook and taught methods for such a job. For writers, a simple outline of a page or two may make for a great novel, for an artist, a sketch or two may be perfect for a painting, sculpture, program character design, or a stained glass masterpiece. Any way you outline, try to make sure that your outline has clarity and transparency to your vision, and that after you are done, you and your collaborators feel complete from the start while looking at, listening to, seeing, touching, tasting, playing, driving, or otherwise enjoying,
the end product when it is finished. This rune was drawn to start a new outline, a new sketch, a new recipe or formula. Or to re-evaluate one that hasn't been evaluated lately, to continue with it, and go forward.
Color.... Here's a quick random color generator:
I know that a rainbow is technically red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo and violet (ROYGBIV), but that is Seven Colors, and there are only six sides to a basic dice.
1- Red
2- Orange
3- Yellow
4- Green
5- Blue
6- Purple (if you want to do a split for Indigo and violet re roll the 6 do a 1 -3 for Indigo and 4 - 6 for violet.
Words. - when I'm stuck for words I tend to use a random word generator to begin thoughts, when I can't use a computer, I can use a standard deck of cards, to get the first letters of words from time to time. Time to shuffle.
Ace = A 6 = F Jack = K
2 = B 7 = G Queen = L
3 = C 8 = H King = M
4 = D 9 = I
5 = E 10 = J
(12. Words- continued)
Ace = N 6 = S Jack = X
2 = O 7 = T Queen = Y
3 = P 8 = U King = Z
4 = Q 9 = V
5 = R 10 = W
Ace = A 6 = F Jack = K
2 = B 7 = G Queen = L
3 = C 8 = H King = M
4 = D 9 = I
5 = E 10 = J
(12. Words- continued)
Ace = N 6 = S Jack = X
2 = O 7 = T Queen = Y
3 = P 8 = U King = Z
4 = Q 9 = V
5 = R 10 = W
* A physical dictionary and thesaurus are good to have on hand when being in a spot of writer's block, especially when using this to find words, names, and ideas, using a deck of cards.
The trick of using the dictionary or thesaurus, along with the letter-finder, is to try to use a dictionary that is new to
you, or to ask another person to close their eyes, blindly, with ones finger find a word in the letters range on a page of it.
thirteen (13) : Chance
Possibilities abound! Risks are part of life, they get us further in our progress and teach us things. When this rune is drawn, the person who drew it may need to take a chance. Dive in the deep end. Buy those pants that you might have wanted, but were too scared todo so. Try eating at a new or different place, buy a scratcher, write a poem, play games. The Chance Rune being drawn indicates the necessity of risk, embrace the risk. Life is short and if you fail at what you try, you will have a Chance to learn. Failure is part of the learning process, life, itself, being the classroom. When we give ourselves a shot, to try different things, to pursue things on the outside of our comfort level, to do new things and change the path of our lives and selves expands our minds, and can help us understand other people, cultures, situations and more.
Take a Chance.
Listen to an album or song that you have not heard for a VERY LONG TIME. One that brings happy thoughts on dark days. One that brings fond memories and feelings. One that you might have listened to as a child or in college. Go ahead, dig up the old cassettes, vinyl, compact discs, cue it up on line, find the old eight track player or the portable tape player (walkman), pop some batteries in, toss the headphones on and let your spirit soar. Tunes have been recommended by the drawing of this rune. Music heals, helps, and inspires. CRANK IT UP!!!
BATTER UP!!!! It's time to think about PITCHING. Not in a baseball sense, but in a business sense. Start thinking about successful gigs that you've had, due to the right approach at the right time. Learn from failed approaches. Be inspired by colleagues and people who light your mind up, learn about their pitches and listen to their explanations of their approaches. Absorb the data, and get on that mound as soon as possible. PLAY BALL!!!
Due Diligence:
Due Diligence is the proactive act of being on time and delivering on time. Sometimes the Early Bird gets the worm. Sometimes the Early Bird gets a Promotion or a bonus! When we make sure to set our goals in a time sensitive manner, we can do things more clear and transparent, as well as add to our stack of achievements in a more constant way, thereby freeing ourselves of the previous task, and going forward to the next one at a good, steady pace. Even if you don't work for anyone else, make sure that you set timed goals and work toward them with the right kind of energy, prove it to yourself that you can do things correctly and in a timely fashion. Once you start, other people will see that you were doing your stuff. If even it takes years. When I did Doctor Zombi, a graphic novel I made back in 2015, I had weekly points when I had to get my art plates done and editing. I made it as a joke, but ... I MADE IT. I did it. You can do your stuff, too.
"Turn On, Tune IN, DROP OUT", were the words of ken keasey or timothy leary during the acid years of the 50s and 60s. We are now in the world of constant connection, constant networking, constant broadcast, constant input from media. We as creative persons, can feel this. We can also feel the weight of it dragging on us from time to time. I was in the midst of a serious case of writers block a few weeks ago. I came to the conclusion of turning off everything around me, including my phone... and going for a walk in the rain. That rain walk was one I hope to not forget, but in case I do, I wrote this to remember... It was about half past three in the afternoon, cool air rolled down from the mountains into the valley and a slow rain, going from mist to light drops, nothing too heavy... fell from the sky. The sky was a monotone blanket of grey, the light was bright and the people I met on my stroll, with their hats and unbrellas, seemed genuinely happy. Optimistic, even perhaps. No one was rushing. It wasn't that heavy of a storm that day. It was cleansing, simple as that. Necessary and cleansing. It reminded me of summer storms I experienced in my boyhood in Los Angeles when the air would stay warm, even into the night and when we'd go to the arcades after my parents were done with work in the middle of the night; the gentle, warm drops of water greeted our faces, as if being tickled by the gods. Unplug when you can, whenever you can and need to. Life is short.
18. dreams as tools.
big fish little fish.
+watch out for the feeding patterns+
a black star
A few years back, myself and a few of
my friends had a bad day.
We watched Lemmy from Motorhead's Memorial. It was heartbreaking and full of emotion and caring words from his friends and family.
After that, At about One AM, upon going to a friend's house, I got a message from the UK that David Bowie
had died on my friend SPIZZ's birthday.
I was totally devastated.
I also remember being told about SPIZZ's father passing away, and my friend Robbie's Dad passing away when it happened.
I also thought about my friends who passed away, and my own father, who died at the age of 47 when I was 6 years old. Three days before my Seventh Birthday.
Death is certain. Please try to live a full and happy life, filled with joy, learning, laughter, fun, care, and
wonder, always dream big, do forwardly moving things, use your talents. Keep in contact with people that you care
about and that care about you. Generate good karma.
Constantly BE YOURSELF.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, Love is the Law. Love under Will. - Crowley
Are you looking for these???
Only kidding.
The marbles are not only to represent the necessity of holding on to one's wits, one's temper, one's goals, one's property (intellectual and physical), one's being, one's honesty, one's faith, and one's self preservation...
But also to inspire the actual act of playing with Marbles, feeling them, looking at the bubbles in the glass, pretending that they are planets, or magical spheres. Let them collide with one another, feel them. Listen to the click of them. Draw a circle in a simple manner. Let them roll. Return to your younger times, free your mind. Let play inspire you.
The simpler and the faster, the better.
We are a generation of people who visit gurus, psychologists, go to healing retreats, take medicine for our stress, have problems with anxiety, and sometimes simple social interactions. We've become a world filled with paranoia, fear, gas-lighting, lies, corruption, debt, and non clarity. If we can play with marbles for a few minutes, and not think about anything else for a while.
No politics, no relationship stuff, no drama, no social pressure, no bullying, no media telling us how to feel, act, behave, dress, look, or THINK for a while...
I believe that we can become a little bit better as people. Not just for the break for the playtime itself, but willing to accept the necessity of simply having a little fun in our lives. + om +
A half full glass.
Optimism. Criticism.
Isms, isms, everywhere... and not a drop to drink.
The half full glass is to indicate not only positivity and how we view it, but also how we view our past work, how we value it, how we can use our losses as learning tools and look at the empty part of the glass as the future, which needs to be filled with our work, our care, our minds and souls to be not only full, but clear, transparent, and honest to ourselves and those who we wish to share clarity, security, happiness, and wholeness with.
Grab the POPCORN!
Films and movies can not only give us a needed break from reality, or a deeper connection with reality, but can also provide inspiration to creative types of persons.
If this Rune was drawn, the person who drew it should enjoy a movie or film. In the theater, at home, or on a preferred device of one's choice.
The thing about the necessity of film is clear in my mind. We need to watch a Disney film to relive our childhoods. We need a romantic comedy to make us laugh and cry. We need Animated films for the fun of being able to do physics differently, with whimsy and charm, not being real, just ... characters being characters, and fun being had. We need to be scared by a horror film, we need to be inspired by a documentary, we need to laugh at comedies, and cry during the heavy parts of War films. We need huge Science Fiction films. We need superhero movies to inspire us to be better people and make us think about our possibilities. We need also to watch the old black and white films of the 1940s and 1950s and before, to be able to learn and feel the design of a Frank Capra or Hitchcock film. We need to make films, we need to talk about them. We need them in our lives as people and creative entities. Whether your favorite types of film may come from Los Angeles in the 1930s, or London in the 1960s, Japan in the 1980s, Bollywood in the 1990s... this rune was drawn to tell you to go and enjoy a film, old or new, and try to bring something out of it for yourself and your creativity.
24. Identifying Toxicity.
TOXICITY is not just nuclear waste in a glowing container in the back of a truck on its way to a nondisclosed location. It isn't just contaminated water supplies. It isn't just a tire fire, it isn't just car batteries and electronics leaking stuff that can kill us and or change our unborn children.
Toxicity can also be Emotions, friendships, places of work, places where we shouldn't be, people we shouldn't be around, thought patterns that we use to sometimes heal ourselves, but in time do more harm than good. We use our drive through mentalities some times to acquire drugs, alcohol, sex, and other things that can eventually from time to time completely mess our lives up.
Identifying Toxins means realizing what in our lives we can change, in order to have a more happy and healthy life as a person.
The Moon was drawn to indicate a need of creativity in the night. Write a poem after the ten o clock news. Start editing a new work after midnight. Good things happen in the dark. Freedom from the AM to PM drag doesn't have to hurt your art at night. Let it flow. Let it grow, change and blossom like a flower. Let it continue and let it be. Even if you have use candle or lamp light, flash lights, or regular light... keep the midnight oil burning, and don't be afraid of the dark. Nor be afraid of your work. It's what we have light and fire for. "Madness rides the Star Wind",
- H.P. Lovecraft.
You need not hang out with "evening people", nor addicts who stay awake for days at a time to be able to enjoy the creativity that can happen in the night time, simply turn on some music, watch some TV, fire up the typewriter, your pens and pencils, paintbrushes, programs and applications, tape recorders, mice and keyboards, use your colors, use our words, use your sounds, your code, your layouts, your business strategies. Use your needles and thread, use your parchment, use your clay, use your chisels and lasers. Use your printers, use your collaborators, use your old data, merge it with new concepts, use your cameras, your beads, your stained glass and glassblowing rigs. Use your kilns, use your recipe books and your kitchens, use your minds, and use your hearts. Put yourself into the work. There is no need to go Werewolf Mode. Just use the nights energy as an aid in your work once in a while. You will find that the results can be amazing.
26. Nothingness
Writer's Block, Artist's Block, Coder's Block, Inventor's Block, Musicians Block. A stopping point. A moment of pause. A needed break. Sometimes as creative individuals, we all come across times when creativity just isn't around for us when we want it very much to be. Those are days when Nothingness is around. Some times non creativity can feel like a little dark cloud floating above our heads. My father had a similar cloud over his head. In order for him to "hide from the rain", he would go and play pinball and listen to music, or talk with his friends on the CB radio or telephone, and later on have a jam session in the living room of our apartment in Los Angeles. His music made him feel better, just like when he would paint or write, he felt more complete and happy when working on creativity, employing his learning, and activating in then current moments of proactivty. We must be proactive, we have to continue to create. It is our job for ourselves, and our job for the future, to show that The Show Must Go On, and that some times, writer's block happens, but we can not stop our selves from our dreams nor art. Life is too short. The rent is too damn high. Creativity happens.
ROLL WITH IT, Baby, just roll with it.
the cards table for the mendocino runes : Cow Mountain Book and set
(c) Oliver Clinton Mattson 2019 Rights Reserved
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