The Mendocino Deck, Cow Mountain Set

Angels and Demons walk with me. breathe with my air. see with my eyes. touch with my hands. think with my mind, fly with my dreams, cry with my pain, heal me with what you can. let us be one. teach me. OM 1. SINGULARITY to be represented by the symbol: . (dot) with an underscore. SINGULARITY: This rune symbolizes singleness, oneness, and solidity. It represents internal peace, whether in a relationship, or not. It represents wholeness and strength. If the one who drew this rune is newly single, this is to represent that you are NOT ALONE, two people make a couple, three or more mean a family, groups of many trees make a forest, many mountains make ranges, and groups of clouds make storms. You are ALIVE, and that is what matters, Let your dreams storm down positivity into your life. Let your education, faith,...