
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Mendocino Deck, Cow Mountain Set

Angels and Demons walk with me. breathe with my air. see with my eyes. touch with my hands. think with my mind, fly with my dreams, cry with my pain, heal me with what you can. let us be one. teach me. OM 1.  SINGULARITY  to be represented by the symbol:   .     (dot) with an underscore. SINGULARITY: This rune symbolizes singleness, oneness, and solidity.  It represents internal peace, whether in a  relationship, or not.  It represents wholeness and strength. If the one who drew this rune is newly single, this is to  represent that you are NOT ALONE, two people make a  couple, three or more mean a family, groups of many  trees make a forest,  many mountains make ranges, and  groups of clouds make storms.   You are ALIVE, and that  is what matters,  Let your dreams storm down positivity  into your life.  Let your education, faith,...

rip to ufo guitarist for more.

Dear Time Machine Ideas

Dear Time Machine Ideas; Stop it.  Please.  Stop wafting through my mind like a warm wind on a May afternoon drifting through the screen doors and windows of the Victorian Mansion I (used to) call my mind.  I don't want to screw Hollywood Starlets from the past.  I want women to enjoy me for who I am, what I can be, and my general presence, music tastes, hobbies, and the things that make me "Me".    Miss Monroe, Miss Taylor, and so many more, MY GOD you've made me horny as fuck over the years, but, if I were to take a tape deck back in time and play you Sinister Devices,  You'd run away screaming like hell.  Plus... I know some pop stuff back then, but I feel it's unfair, and not nice to go look up their favorite things before going back in time and asking them if they'd like to go "for coffee", but.  Also...  I might, I mean, if I have to.  I mean, if like, some supreme being, like, visited me and was like, "Hey, we gotta send ...