Ragarding Auntbeckygate and Education

If you want into a "good college", or any college for that matter. You need to figure that out in your head when you're about in 6th or 7th grade. You need to think about what you want to do after you get out of High School and College. How you will want to support yourself and your household. What kind of lifestyle you want to live, what you're good at and enjoy, and what you want to do, as well as integrating the things that you know how to do good into your profession. I did acting again, at age 13, but stage stuff was too demanding to my schedule with Computing courses. I'm glad I tried again. I would like to do improv and spoken word stuff similar to Spalding Gray and Henry Rollins. No, not all my stories will be happy. Anyways. By Grade 8, or whatever then end year is now for JR High... you'll probably be taken to High Schools or academies that you are being encouraged to go to. Find out things about the place. From students, (both current and past years), learn about the faculty, rules, etc, and crime statistics of recent and not so recent times. Find out about crime influence on students, and what you can that the teachers won't tell you. Do your homework. It's your life. Next... by the time you're in High School, get a trade related Elective course or take a college course. TRY TO Make At least A 3.0 GPA from Grade 7 or 8 on through college. Sleep well, stay away from people who don't see the thing you're trying to get to. If they can't see your light, change lanes and move on. People dragged me down. Emotion dragged me down, a lot of stuff dragged me down. Still here, though. Anyways. Look. Get along with some of your peers. You don't have to be popular to have a good life, yes, you need friends and stuff, but... if they are messing with your studies and preventing you from having a productive life, it may hurt, but you may have to stop being near these people. (I know I said it twice, but I had to.)

Listen to your guidance counselors and talk to faculty members, ask them about your progress and how it relates to the big picture. This is life. Start writing your bucket list early, by the way. This ride is short. Grade Point averages MATTER. You need to be the one doing the homework and coursework. You will be in the workforce, looking for jobs with a resume that better have some skills to use on that piece of paper, otherwise, Don't waste the time of the possible Employer, the School, The College, or the system. It;s harsh, sometimes feels bad to be rejected, not accepted and all that other stuff. That is life. People want to have good lives, lead successful businesses, work in productive places with like minded people who want to do the best for their job so that they can have a good life, with shelter, food, clothing, and all that, and doing tasks for employers that build their self esteem, use their skills and EDUCATION to benefit the business and the employee. You will be fired. You will be laid off, you will be shot down. You will also have jobs that you have to take to survive, that might turn into a great experience, meeting friends, having fun after work, and making memories and friends and relationship in and for life sometimes, that teach us, just like school does. If your parent is rich, don't ask them to buy your way into a school. If you are in high school and have no College or Academy / etc... you want to go to, nor plan yet, no grants, and you haven't got at least a 2.0 passing grade, you need to re-think your priorities ASAP. By age 15 or 16, you should have a good view of what you want to do with your life, and aren't going toward that goal at least 80 percent of the time, I don't know what to say for you, or to you. I had to work a full time job and take 12 units for years to get my certificates. I didn't socialize, I didn't party (till afterwords), but I did it.

The "Aunt Becky from Full House", thing is what set me off. It's the kids LIFE, not hers. The KID needs to LEARN. If possible, NOT YOU, Life is hard. No one held my hand when I got my promotions, when I had my migraines from studying for too long. i burnt out., BUT... I'm here. I did it. I worked overtime when I had to, to make sure me and my Mom had a place to stay and that the bills were paid. It sucked. I lived though it. You can too, everyone. You can go to college, learn something, get good at it, and use it in the real world to live.

That's life. Not BRIBING COLLEGES. Also, I think the money these people got from the bribes should go into a Grant fund for Low Income Students across the USA. Was that wrong to say??? or are they just gonna waste it on drugs and strippers or hookers and shopping trips and travel, LIKE THEY DO SOMETIMES I want to see some receipts. Disclose now. Let's see where the money went.


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