

muting happens during oppression, oppression happens when one breaks down underneath the strength of a system bigger than them to survive or transcend from one type of exististence to another. I think we all should live good lives. At least safe ones. Ones where we can go to work or to do errands, without having our possessions stolen from our homes. One where we can welcome in new thoughts and mandate out own thoughts to fill that same field, and to influence people, support people, even ourselves. We have been brought up believing in Superheroes, getting behind brands and risking our lives and livelihoods for the flags of our "nations". What has that gotten us? How far have we come? When is the right time to say, "YES, I was born in X Place Or Y Place Or Z place, and I have faith in it.", and Be honest. Or... "I was born In Z place and I moved to V place, and guess what, I'm okay because of this and this and this.", can we be that honest??? NO, because we have to have a damn "gung ho 'tude" towards staying in one place sometimes, and not doing a thing to change our lives and the lives close to us. When are we gonna say.... "hey, I live here, don't mean i wanna die here, what can I do some where else?", and give it a shot. You might come back dead, robbed, beaten, raped, fucked over, or ??? who the fuck knows. At least find a way to state, down inside, that you ARE A PERSON. YOU MATTER. You have feelings. You have a Brain. You have the talent that you have, You have the education you have. You have the friends and crew you have. You need to do stuff. Find the ones that you can trust, and work with them, make your art happen, make your music happen. Make your life happen. Make things happen that you want, get the things you enjoy, if even from dumpsters and free boxes. Fill your mind and life with the joy you NEED. Its form will come to you in life. Your sound track will change. Your clothes, will change. Your friends, will change. Your lovers will change. Your theories will change. Go for it. It's a short, short ride kids. I care about you and want you to know the truth. If you can skateboard. go skateboarding. If you can play music, or do art, or write, do those things. Do the things that make you and others happy. Fill your life and mind with happiness, not drama and lies and BS. You don't need it. Peace. Love. Joy. Freedom. FOR LIFE. There is No such thing as a Country. There is only LIFE and DEATH. There are NO BORDERS except for LOVE and KINDNESS vs. HATE and ANGER. +ocm+


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