
Showing posts from June, 2015

off and on 6 15 15

OFF = before you were born ON = The Time You're Here OFF = Death and after do stuff today also yesterday = not now today and now = you're in it. tommorow = uncertain we can cry and bitch and moan and scream about the pain of the past, as much as we want to, but --- one thing i realized, after losing all my posessions damn near, my girl, and my ability to drive.... --- as well as some of my "brains", as they call them... --- if i had just got the fuck up in the morning, had a bath, made breakfast, coffee, etc. - and got the fuck back in bed with c. none of this shit would have happened. also- if your cousin is a bitch, and her BF is a prick, don't let them move into your home and fuck up your shit hardcore. happy b day grandma, your family is not cool. yesterday, we can hold much pain and cry from you, but we can also learn from you and try to walk, if not strong, if not tall, just walking, moving, and living, the thing of the self is that the self can c...