poetry club 90 - or 9 to 92 or so

poetry club 90 - or 9 to 92 or so

1990 or 1991- to like 92 or Ninety Three-


free form jazz is being belted out of a small record player tape deck, - 6 or 7 small speakers sit on

shelves wiht taped together wires holding them in action, all daisy chained.  -  the sound is great .

there are hung flowers -

there are three types of tea -

two hot, one room temperature.

there is water.

there are televisions painted with


two pictures are regarding fish.

some regarding wars.

one with

a car, carrying a fish tank on the roof.

on the top of the tv- was the word “detroit”.  in small letters, in blue glitter paint.

I was introduced to Bob Marley and Bob Dylan records there, and Sade, and jazz.

Different styles of writing, modes of thinking.

They supported my thirst for knowledge and helped me get the clarity together enough to start on “The Nocturnal Voice”, fanzine / newsletter...  and then “Brainlick”, as well submitting my stuff to independent bay area troupes to perform, and do video filming to ask the audience how it went.

More than half the time it was at least accepted, sometimes, people thought it was far too
wierd, and some didn’t stay half way.

Oh well, thats the biz.

By the time i was 17 or so, i had moved on from Poetry Club.  I had started to make my own stuff.  Not just read everyone else’s stuff.

****AS A NOTE - / post note, ****for your data, we didn’t do any drugs in poetry club.  we got fucked up after by ourselves, seperated,  away from the group, like professionals.  all i really did was drink coffee and pop the occasional pill, a beer, or a joint back then, it wasn’t until my 20s did i really start tying it on.


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