change in the colours of life

Unjuns of ZYDYS

"They Fell"  part One A One

2012 A.D. Willoughby

(c) 1989 - 2012
Rights Reserved 

"There are no more Dragons, here", a plain Cloaked Towns-person said to us as we asked about the nearby Caves and rumored tunnels and Temples in the area.  "No Dragons, No Treasure, No Nothing...  "

they continued,

"You're just wasting your time around here, Venturers. 

You can stay at the INN, visit the ALE-HOUSE, Eat at the FOOD PLACES, visit the SHOPS.

Do not snoop around the Cemetery, or crawl around in our Wells.  If you find something 'out of place', leave

it alone and don't touch anything.  Oh, and, by the way....  the town is heavily observed at night by Guards in

Observation Towers and on Foot.  They keep good eye on places like the Musician's Quarter, Artist's

Block, and of course the Taverns and places of blue lamps to keep the kind of peace we need." 

They said, with clear and present defense regarding their hometown, the place of his family, friends, and

loved ones... past, present, and future.

We agreed to the person, that we would keep our revelry to a minimum, and that we would keep our

celebration to a low at the INN, we would be dropping our Weapons and 'Magiquipment', as well as our

Goofs, Ner'Duh-Wells, Spooks, and other unpredicatbles, some stored Entities and Artifacts there, too,

before making our way about the small town.

The people supported our choices and we set our troop to the town to get going on some celebration, after

making sure every one, spirits included, that were needed to stay at the room had everything that they

needed, extra and special attentions included.  Some of the Pentine had wounds that needed observation,

some of the Spild needed hydration, some of the Spooks needed new altars and lights.  All needed food,

rest, and a chance to re-fill on basic gear and outfitting.

 We bartered a few good deals for all involved with some of the MED SHOP Students, Spook Agents,

Dancing Girls, Eatery Workers, and Shopkeepers.  They arrived right on time and well equipped to assist 

our team that was ostracized due to the towns main laws, but, as anyone knows, money does a lot.


352pm 4/5/2012


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