part 2

illegal fireworks

The gentleman returned with a steaming cup of black coffee and a pack of marlboros. Sat across from his friend, grabbed an ashtray and lit up. They heard footsteps, quick ones, jogging almost. At the far end of the northern entrance to the parking lot, which had not been used in so long there were weeds and trash as well as debris were scattered.

Some of the surrounding houses had been boarded up due to the need of families packing up and leaving that used to work for the station, and surrounding enterprises. The appearance of someone coming from that area made them quite awake. The flashlight's red front piece rim and headlight were fading quite fast, and blinking out, just like the Pepsi Cola sign. They also saw in the person's other hand, a red jerry can for gas, and a briefcase.

The person came up to the porch, upon noticing the closed sign, looked down and shook his head. "You open in the morning, then, what time?", he asked. The attendants told the gentleman , who looked in his early 20s, thin, wearing a grey suit jacket and blue jeans.



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