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After four or five years or so, the young man came into the shop in September once, to the shop guys surprise. This time bringing a truck load of Carving Pumpkins for Halloween. They were perfect, heavy, huge and wonderful sized. The guys again sat down, worked out a plan for the sale of the goods, and quickly signed a new contract. Hauled the gords out of the truck, sold them that fall, and made good money.

A couple years later...
he didn't come back late that may.
They called him, they tried letters.

Worried the kids wouldn't be able to get fireworks that year, and some of their best customers off to work, and college that fall, the men went to Atlanta to try to find the young man at the address given.

They saw the red car.

They knocked on the door.

No one answered.

They knocked again... no reply.

They found a small piece of paper in their truck and walked up to the door, to put it on the pushpin that sat by the door knocker.

Just then, a light turned on inside the house.

"WHO IS IT?", an older man yelled out.

"We're from the auto shop, we're here to see Luis", which was the young man's name.

"Auto Shop, AH... Come in guys, I have the keys for you, been waiting a long enough time."

"Here you go, just as he asked", he held up the keys and dropped them into one of the shop guys hands. I hope everything's gonna be okay."

"You gonna be able to drive?, or you want me to tow it out there?" the guy at the door asked.

"We'll manage", the guys said. The guy who opened up the door and gave them the keys shut the door and walked to a Black Cadillac, got in and drove away.

After returning to the Auto shop, the guys decided to look under the hood of such a nice car.



The engine looked nice, most of the parts were stock, some were not familiar to them, but they knew they loved it.

After shutting the hood and giving one another a high five, the decided to peek into the trunk.

One more batch of fireworks perhaps.

BANG! Sure enough it was. a huge box of everything inside. upon lifting it out, they noticed Luis' briefcase.

"MAYBE there's money inside, who knows, this guy was maybe nuts to help us so much with all the stuff, and he gone and left us his car, what a weird kid.", one said matter-of-factly.

"only one way to check".

They pushed on the latch, and "POP", it opened right up.



upon opening it they found a folder with the transaction notes for the fireworks and pumpkins, as well as some toy sales, and video game sales which were new at the time, as well as their contracts., and set them aside quickly to look for money.

A couple dirty magazines and a music magazine.
no money.
a couple of audio cassettes and more receipts.
no money.
an old newspaper, some poems.
no money.
an envelope.
They opened it.
A stack of 20 dollar bills about 240 dollars worth, and a note which read,
"Dear Gentlemen, here, enjoy, thank you so much. For Everything, Lu."

The two went out and partied in Luis's car that night like they were in High School again, raising hell and having a blast.

The briefcase remained shut as far as I know.

Life continued for the two, enjoying the shop and life, selling off the last fireworks from Lu, and generally feeling fine.

Sad thing they didn't read the old newspaper.

It was from about 10 years prior, in 74, it talked of a young man who accidentally killed a bunch of his friends while making fireworks, who then dismembered their bodies and put the body parts in a pumpkin patch, only to be found himself, beheaded in the same field.

Oh, and the contracts... those were for their souls, signed, Billy and Steve - the shop guys.

Co signed by Lu C. Ifer.

The end.
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