speeding ticket one... or, wait, was that number one ... ??
Speeding Tickets: 1998, on way to willits picked up hippie with binder full of sheets of acid, he said to drive mellow, but i was wanting to get to the head shop before the mofo closed. Police Person Pulled Me over. Hippie is panicking. Hippie Is tripping. Im stone cold calm. Cucumber, Man. Stone Cold Sober and stne cold mad. He's freking out. he's sweating, copy paste standard words from cop: You were ging a bit fast blah blah blah... just give me the damn ticket before you look in the fried out eyeballs of my hitchhiker. Yes, Officier, everything's fine, everythings groovy, we're up to no bad tonite. ALL I WANTED WAS A NEW EFFING PIPE. instead, i made sure that i got this sonofabitch to his safehouse before getting arrested and heading on my merry way, out the door, to the close up head shop. joy of joys. NOT. the only solace i found that night was slugging back a couple forties out by low gap park and finding a couple joints of some decent brown that crept up real good on the beer. The clouds came in quick that night, and as the kicks rode in my body, and the drugs rode high into my brains, i knew that the two entities... ME and "The System", were on different pages.
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