Yay for creativity. Boo Gullability.

it helps keep me out of trouble.

knowing that they all hate me is better than living the lie that i have for too far long.  No need to go out, get fucked up, and do bullshit or trip like hell anymore, though.  Reason to eat good though, reason ro do art, reason to do music, reason to read more, reason to beat off and not chase these shady hater bitches.  Reason to take the fields of regret down with the sickle of Possibility.  Look noit bad back on those days, use the strength of the pain, every drop of blood, every tear, every step taken running around doing reckless, mindless things, the memories of all thosae lost dollars, all those pissed away dollars, and all those pointless drunken nights.  Use every stitch from the torn away fibers of the healing heart.  Steel covers and locking bolts made of diamond, fasteners and clasps made from rubies cast from the hottest of black fire.  protection from the self's ignorance.  Ignorance kills. 

Thank you, Brainlick, I wish I never let go of you so long ago.  I hope we can spend time together.  Best Wishes, I don't want to forget you, anymore.



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