you know your fucked when you see question marks floating out of the ashtray, not just regular question marks, but illuminted question marks.  I think it was LSD.   It kept me up and I wAS HALUCINATING like hell.  Watching lights dart in and out of forward and back space, from left to right.  Sometimes i could "hear" them coming from the back of my mind somewhere.  The front of my skull hurt like hell, in between and above my eyes.  Crazy.  Not fun.  Jumping away from things that weren't there for everybody else must have been interesting.  I believe i must have consumed it on friday at the bar in middletown. Don't know.  Stayed in me for fucking days.  Couldn't breathe good or sleep well.  My energy field was splattered and senses were fried.  I didn't choose on my will to comsume this, mind you.  It was probably put in my beer while I was dancing.  Bastards.  Oh well, at least it's a learning tool/ experience.


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