it stings.

the reality, it stings.  I know.

im here for you.  relax.  you knew she'd do it again.  You knew it.  Yoiu cvould feel it, and now you know, deep down inside.  you need to know deep down inside that she doesn't like you anymore and you need to move on For fuck's sake.

the pain of being alone is predicatble and you already wrote the path last nite in your head becasu you already saw this happening and everything else, you know that she lies to you consatanly, she needs to go to chicago and stay there and or back to the bay, it hurts you too much fo her to be so near to you and it's confusing as all hell wihtout a doubt its difficult, she's been doing this to youfor years and years and you can't quite let it go, why not?  Let the flowers grow, leave the garden be, you are no longer the same, and she has not been yours since the day you met her.  She told you she didn't think it was giong to work out and stuff, and you didn't listen, damnit. 


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