hell, or oblivion, or the void, i believe is a decentralized non local zone that expands and contracts just as space breathes.

it believe that it, and heaven, or divinity, run through every spot of the universe through constant energy.  we move through it, it moves through us, and is variable and changing.

lights shoot through air, sould move. 
things are touched.

We think, and our thoughts move outward and inward.  Sometimes what we want on the outside, Is really on the inside.

god is within us, god is outside of us.  god is US.

we are children of the absolute and variable combined. 

4.1 million years, we've been around. 
That blows everything that we were thinking were the right things to think right out of the water.  Maybe we
are descendents of "spacepeople", maybe we just evolved or are moving through a consciousness expanding spaceship that has no walls, but is the universe, itself.



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