anti terror schpiel.

Stop Terror.


1, If we're taking our offensive tactics and forces off the "Taliban", and pushing them onto "Al-Qaeda", then what are we even doing there, isn't the Nation's Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. supposed ... This is starting to feel weird.  How many more years must we even be in Afghanistan when we're just kicking dust and killing our own people.   Let's start working HARD on REAL homeland secutiry and anti terror strategies. 
Let's balance the economy    Let's balance creativity and work on the whole of america, from the ground up.  Start businesses, provide jobs to the educated and willing.  Care for those who are in need of it.  Balance the Arts.  Balance the flotsam and jetsam of the internet and try to find a mid ground where the fan and the artist are both satisfied.  Legalize marijuana.  The money that will stop going to heroin sales and other drug sales and trafficking will cripple Terror organizations that relyon it for gun money and enforcements. 

2- a.  Put ground troops on commercial planes.  - Put specialized troops that have been in the Hills in Afghanistan and in the sands of Iraq that know what they're looking for on commercial jets and planes and boats and stuff.  Let them train people.  Find the best of the best counter terrorist startegies and impliemnt them locally.  The more work we do here, the less harm we'll have done to ourselves. 

2.- b:  Implemnt air patrols for pilots all across the US airspace grid.  set up satellites that can track irregular movements, put in DANGER switches and Panic Buttons on the planes that lock the plane into predetermined course patterns and routes that can be disbaled by passowrd, or can't be disbaled at all.

2 - c.  Incorporate trap doors in the tops of planes and build them with a compliance and training as weell as implimentation stategies.

2 - d.  Put cameras on board planes, and commerical travel vessels to research patterns, and combine that data with previously established data to compose a better non intrusive mthod of being able to stop a possible attack in a more targeted and expedious manner.

2 - e:  find out what the countries and areas that the terrorist come from can do to be able to provide more for themselves, if they feel they need the help, so that they may be more self sufficient, and set up safe middle partners that are agreed upon by both sides, of course, and strategies to help them implement a self sufficient economy and to be able to provide for themselves), or just leave them alone if they want us out, we should go.   

3.  Maybe We need to not touch the holy lands.  That land is thick with old war that has raged upon that area for thousands and thousands of years.  Their land is dray, the winds of war roar strong on the hills and in the sands.  Anger and hatred that echo much longer than The United States have been in the base of contemplation.  The same mush also be said about the Continent that we're on right now, and to realize that we (our country's makers) came from another place, across the sea, and that we went away from there to prevent injustice, to increase freedom, and to provide a better life for our people.   We've touched many lives, in many ways through this voyage.  Many countries have been affected by the forward thinking ways that we were granted, as liberties, by our Founders.  We cannot forget that.  We must also know that, with growth, comes responsibility. We have gone from one coast to another, filling the space up of this great land.  We have taken its resources from nature. 

4.  Raw Materials. 
Stop those huge containers from going to other countries that are filled with busted TV's and computers and appliances.  We  can mine our raw materials from there and localize through databases, connect them, in the states and ship independently from state to state thereby reducing outsourced raw materials for things that we will need to make for ourselves. 

5.  Manufacturing.

5 - a: Companies and Investors here in the US need to start buying up old plants, facilities, warehouses and fabrication equipment, start training people, and learn new tactics to compete electronically with other countries, and in basic goods manufacturing.  The importance for recyclable material and eco-friendly strategies is key to notonly using what we have that we're not using right, but also to not hurt the planet as much during out time here.  

5 - b:  If new plants need to be built and new manufacturing facilities need to be built, if at all possible, use land that already had a building on it so that there is lass "fresh footprint destruction", and environmental harm done, and use space that has already been allocated for use, and not need to break new ground or mow down tress to put op a plant.



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