Wii Shall Overcome.

I boiught a WIi.  Kind of worked off a bunch of it, paid money on the other end.  Keeping it.  It looks okay.  A lot of the games I want are in Japanese, though, and I will need to hack it in order to get them to run on my American Wii.   I've heard it's easy hacking the Wii system.  I imagine it will be, i imagine it will all be cakey-wakeys and glory-up zoom zoom, whooshing me into the oh gosh i gotta get more this and get more that for it. 
Not ready.
I have not the ENERGY right now to do such a thing.  No energy.  Shit I'm only 33 and I don't have the strength to try to put a 10 minute hack into  a system.  Gee Whiz.

XBOX 1 was okay.  I did enough of them.  I guess I'm gonna have to get a hard drive for the thing (Wii), and some other crap like straps and power adapter and another controller and I DO NOT KNOW at all if I'm gonna be able to deal with the system at all, I tried to mess around with the WiFi settings and damn near fell on the floor from my char.  I don't know, I just don't know.

I've become more content with the PC, and with sugar and with Life.
People want to read my work.  Nancy in Willits sounded very enthused to talk to me about stuff.  I even was told that I don't need to come up with the god king Grand Pubah of novels.  My words.  Just my words.  Naked, raw.  words  Get it up there.  Get in contact with printshop about multiple quotes because message from 1st print shop wasn't clear.  New day, new task.  Get outta the pit.  Send it to the hole by itself.  No anchor line on it, forget, forgive.  Move on.

just write, feel the flow of energy out, do not let other spectrums bother my sight.  do not let the babble splash about my head so that i might remain true to my brain.

keep the dream okay.  pump out the words no matter what.  Keep sane.  Don't let them win.  Even when they knock you down and make you bleed, keep breathing, keep fighting and keep going.  You've lived this long.  You've made it so far.  Bliss has to be around the bend.  Sunshine days and warm thoughts should be sprouting.  Green pastures, and less pain.  Green pastures and less pain.



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