
People shouldn't be judged or tortured for their beliefs.

People should be allowed to be them selves.  

People love and hate Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ was cool because he cared about people.

People who kill peple that they think are bad because the Church or the main mindframes of dead principle and isolation, of hate and fear, told them to do so make me upset.

let's walk softly here, shall we.

To draw a line of  judgement upon another person is not right. But then again judgement or at least ... internal protection sometimes happens.
Sometimes I Judge people myself. 

We are taught to behave and act in certain mannerisms in such a systematically precise way, and it slides right on into our heads and eyes through our institutions, Learning systems and methods, and commercial media. 

The lines of "Church", and State began blurring, I believe either in the Early 20th century, (pre WW1??) or the 13th or 14th century.   (Magna Carta, the beginning of the expansion of the European Empire)

Is it because of repeted conditioning, and brainwashing effects and socioeconomic boundary lines?

How much of this is about money?  How about inablity to change due to brainwashing like cornfed cattle being fattened for the slaughter.  We go to school to learn a job, to work that job and pump money into a deficit and live a "Life", that they say is the way to be, and that we can not change... we can not behave beyond the boundaries of what we were Taught to "DO", and to not stray from the bounds that society and system puts on us   Metamorphosis.  Change.  We all wish for it.  Why are we at war.  Why do we realize that we are just beasts and work up from there.  Say, "Hey, we like to get high, let's fix it so that we can get High here in our own country on our own soil without having to pump money into other places that might hurt US.  That's what it's about money going where ppl dont like US.


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