dayz and dayz

For the longest time, I've wondered what it'd be like to assume the role of a person of power.  Not necessarily really become it.  Just make believe.  I bet I could get waya with it.  I know what I'm doing, except for REAL Stuff.  I don't know what it is to make anyone satisfied, I don't know what it's like to completely make someone happy.  I feel like I cannot mek people happy.  It seems as if the sadness likes to lie to me, and I like to lie to me.... maybe my brain doesn't like me. 

I'll never go out and try to mack on chicks in the piece of shit town again.  The Doctor called me on that.  Didn't even need the call, just needed to see it all falling apart after years of shit.  I hurt bad.

When I found out that Hunter shot himself, it was sometime in 08.  Some dark nd messed up brainframe day.  Hidden behind lies and becoming larger.  I had no clue.  I had no clue at all.  I was an idiot.  I've become a monster at least 100 times.  I cannot deal with the pain of "being a man".  How much is redundant?  Lots.

Hop in fucker.  Get ready to go.  NOW.  Place the importance of your normal day on the backburner. 
We're honking the horn.  We're out in your yard.  We're in your face.  We're bugging your neighbors and calling your phone.  We're here, we're liberated and we don't give a shit anymore.  We're high on b-grade weed and cheap ass tall cans.  We've got pills.  We've got papers.  Hurry up.  Tape deck works like a charm, get your shit together.  Call up anyone that you want to, I don't have enough stash for them, so piss off.   Let the deadline pass.  Let it all fall away.  Let it all slide to the pit.  Down and away, like flushing the toilet.  Shut up and deal, or leave as soon as you can.

The tall can smells like surgical equipment.   I don't know why.  Weird.  Lots of things are weird, though.    Gotta deal with it.  Lake County is a socio-economic deadzone that ostracizes those who think and treats book-learned people like Jews in Hitler's Germany.    They didn't get me.  Oh yeah, of course they GOT ME, but i'm still alive, pumping this ENEGRGY into this keyboard and out onto this screen.  This is the only orgy i'm attending right now.  I am frightened of attending one around here.  GOD these people make my want to puke.  I don't like the rdundancy.  There's too damn much.  Redundant, redundant. 

Don't follow me, it's hard to see.  You might hurt yourself.  This road is best left to the different ones.  Not your kind.  Not your kind.

Keep your roads clear and travel in the daytime.  Night trips are ony for the brave.  Keep your mind.  Keep your dreams.  Keep what you can, and do with it what you wish.  Criticize them not, for they know not, and the things they do are not the things that they know.  hey are like dogs.  Mindless, only eating and drinking water, and brething and barking and sleeping and fucking.  And being Stupid.  They are like the sand that sits down, low, and not to be brought up to the sky only to watch it fall down to when it was before and where it IS going to be, whether it likes to or not.   Socio Economics.  We're Screwed.

Out Source This.


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