Welcome (back?)


It's Brainlick time again.

This time it's a blog.

I will be discussing abstract thought. The Art of Chaos, Gonzo Technology, and be dropping the same batch of good old fashioned fun that you've come to get from the old diskette version, and the print version, from 1995. I'll be posting stories, and other schtuff, be careful, there will be games.

This Blog is intended for non straight edge people, and is not intended for use or viewing and reading by persons under the age of 18. There will be filth, drugs, loud sounds, and strange happenings. You have been warned. The thoughts expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and beliefs of Brainlick, nor its' host(s), publishers, contributors, sponsors, writers, and all the other words that I need to say to cover everyone's ass.

There are holes in the fence, by the way.


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