CoinBox Burgertime c64


Review of the New "Burger Time" Game for Commodore 64

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)


The Commodore 64 continues to receive loving attention from both retro game developers and fans alike, and the recent release of a new version of "Burger Time" is a testament to this enduring appeal. Developed by a dedicated team of enthusiasts, this updated take on the classic arcade game brings fresh life to the C64 platform. Here’s a detailed review of the new "Burger Time" game for the Commodore 64.

Graphics and Sound

Graphics: The new "Burger Time" for C64 boasts vibrant and colorful graphics that capture the charm of the original arcade game while taking full advantage of the C64’s capabilities. The sprites are detailed and animated smoothly, with each character and ingredient rendered in a visually appealing way. The levels are designed with a meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the game is both nostalgic and visually engaging.

Sound: The audio design complements the graphics perfectly. The game features catchy chiptune music that echoes the classic arcade soundtracks, along with well-crafted sound effects for actions such as climbing ladders, dropping ingredients, and avoiding enemies. The sound effects are crisp and enhance the overall gameplay experience, making it feel like a true arcade game brought to the home computer.


Core Mechanics: The gameplay of the new "Burger Time" remains true to the original concept: players control Chef Peter Pepper as he navigates a maze of platforms and ladders, assembling giant burgers by walking over the ingredients. Each ingredient falls to the level below when walked over, and players must complete the burgers while avoiding enemies like Mr. Hot Dog, Mr. Pickle, and Mr. Egg.

Enhancements and Features: While the core mechanics are preserved, the new version introduces several enhancements that modernize the experience:

  • Smooth Controls: The controls are responsive and intuitive, making it easy for players to maneuver Chef Pepper through the increasingly challenging levels.
  • New Levels: The game features an expanded selection of levels, each with unique layouts and increasing difficulty, ensuring that the gameplay remains fresh and engaging.
  • Power-ups: New power-ups have been introduced to add depth to the gameplay. These power-ups can temporarily stun enemies or provide speed boosts, offering strategic advantages.
  • Multiplayer Mode: A new multiplayer mode allows two players to compete or cooperate in real-time, adding a new layer of excitement and replayability.

Difficulty and Replayability

The new "Burger Time" strikes a perfect balance between challenging gameplay and accessibility. The difficulty ramps up gradually, with early levels serving as an introduction to the mechanics and later levels requiring precise timing and strategy. This gradual increase in difficulty ensures that both new players and veterans of the original game will find the experience rewarding.

The addition of new levels, power-ups, and a multiplayer mode significantly enhances the replayability of the game. Players can aim to beat their high scores, complete all levels, or compete with friends, making it a game that can be enjoyed over and over again.

Community and Support

The release of the new "Burger Time" has been met with enthusiasm from the C64 community. The developers have been active in engaging with fans, providing updates, and addressing any feedback. This strong community support ensures that the game remains polished and continues to evolve based on player input.


The new "Burger Time" for Commodore 64 is a shining example of how classic games can be revitalized for modern audiences while staying true to their roots. With its vibrant graphics, catchy sound design, smooth controls, and enhanced gameplay features, it offers a delightful and challenging experience for both longtime fans and newcomers. Whether you’re reliving nostalgic memories or discovering "Burger Time" for the first time, this new release is a must-play for any C64 enthusiast.


  • Vibrant and detailed graphics
  • Catchy chiptune music and sound effects
  • Smooth and responsive controls
  • New levels and power-ups
  • Engaging single-player and multiplayer modes


  • None significant

Overall: The new "Burger Time" game for the Commodore 64 is a stellar addition to the platform’s library, offering a perfect blend of nostalgia and innovation. It’s a testament to the enduring appeal of the C64 and the creativity of its community. Whether you’re a fan of the original or a newcomer, this game is sure to provide hours of fun and challenge.


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